Following the previous two articles " Using Repeaters to Make Picture Carousels " and " Using Repeaters to Make Drop-Down Menus ", bulk sms send the author of this article today teaches you to use repeaters and NetEase Cloud Outreach Player to make a real The prototype of the music player that can play the music list, learn it quickly! First, bulk sms send the prototype preview effect Prototype preview address (the default setting is paging display, each page displays one line).
Place the rectangle inside the repeater as shown in the image below: 3. Song preparation We want to go online to Yi yun Music, find the song we like, bulk sms send and click to generate an external player: We can modify the player size, playback mode, and copy the code after completion: 4. Repeater Form The following columns need to be set: Column0 is the bulk sms send code we just copied, just copy it in directly; pic represents the cover image of the song, right click to import the image or copy and paste; songsinger represents a song-singer, it is faster to enter it manually, bulk sms send or enter it in an excel sheet and then copy it; introduce represents the introduction text of the song.
It is faster to enter it manually, bulk sms send or enter it in an excel sheet and then copy it. Five, interactive settings When loading each repeater item: set the text values of the introduction, song title, singer, and rectangle code to [[Item.introduce]], [[Item.songsinger]], [[Item.Column0]], set the picture, and set the The value of the picture is set to item.pic. When the rectangle is loaded: I will use the method mentioned in the previous Axure Advanced Tutorial: Make a control article that can reference html, ccs, bulk sms send js and other codes in Axure, and call js. For details, please refer to the article I wrote before.